■ 25. Mai 2024, 15:30 Uhr

OUTBOX ME Spring Edition

Dear Outbox Me - Fam!

We are very happy to announce, that on the 25th of May the next Outbox Me Edition will take place at the studiobühne alte feuerwache - our little living room.

We have a team of wonderful artists for our next Outbox Me - Spring Edition:
• JUDGES: Viola Luise (Gang Gangrena), Tamae (BeMarvel), Sihäm (IOTASPIRIT)
• HOST: Nasrin on the Mic

WORKSHOPS: This time we will enjoy input by two of the judges: Sihäm and Viola Luise
When? Friday, 24.05.24
What? Flo´work 17:00 - 18:30 by Viola Luise
       HipHop and Story Telling 19:00 - 20:30 by Sihäm
Where? studiobühne alte feuerwache
How much? 20€ each, 35€ both
Please register with your full name and the workshop/judge name here: outboxmovement@outlook.de

The preselection will be classic - each person gets max. one minute to convince the judges.
For the audience we open the doors at 3:30, but you can come in any time after of course.

Registration for dancers opens at 3 pm at the location and you can warm up from 3-4 pm. You have to CONFIRM your online registration until 4 pm otherwise your spot will be given away.
Preselection starts at 4 pm!
LINK to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pT5bERihv2F_oykjILWz0lEfof7rjKcCtCPRUMjbRdk/

More Info about the Team:

Sihäm is a artist and HipHop Dancer from Berlin.
Since 2012 she is part of the German Hip Hop Dance Community. Her Dance is characterised by her individual, creative and impressive improvisations. Also she includes parts of her Egyptian and Algerian roots into her dance style.
Theater productions, for example with Kampnagel, Hau Hebel am Ufer, Hellerau Dresden are part of her everyday life.
She takes part on international Showevents, Battles, gives classes and workshops and choreograph own pieces, like her solo piece “fragilité”. Since 2023 she is part of a Crew/Group (IOTASPIRIT), which is known for Music and Dance in the international Hip Hop Dance Community.

Viola Luise, Bgirl/Gang Gangrena, is involved in various teaching activities, realizes choreographic works internationally and is also currently doing her Master's degree in "Expanded Dramaturgy and Popular Knowledge" at the State University in Brazil.

Tamae Yoneda is a contemporary dancer from Osaka, Japan, living in Berlin.
She reached the final at Japan's largest dance event “Dance Delight” and expanded her dancing horizons through various events to which she was then invited.
Her successes led to jobs as a judge for numerous events, including the first Japanese edition of the world's largest experimental battle “Open Your Mind” in 2017.
Although her background is mainly contemporary, she is very interested in other dance disciplines and constantly engages herself with urban dance forms.
In 2019 she then moved to Berlin.
Since then, she has taken part in numerous battles and projects, including once winning the "Outbox Me".
Currently she is teaching her own contemporary method "Movement Poetry" at various dance studios such as Tanzfabrik, Motions and Flying Steps.
Also as a member of the Be Marvel crew, she is involved in various events and community projects.

DJ ITSWHY, a self-taught artist began his journey in Morocco in 2007. With over 16 years of professional experience & a profound understanding of urban dance and music, this richness and complexity have become integral to his artistic persona.
Based in Berlin, he actively engages as a DJ, producer & dancer educator, with a diverse portfolio spanning dance battles, festivals, club performances, theatre productions & more. His global presence in Hip-Hop, contemporary, and cultural projects showcases his dedication to sharing, learning, and personal growth.

Nasrin is an active part of the freestyle dance scene in NRW. She has been practicing house for over 8 years, but also hip hop, whacking and contemporary. Berlin and NRW are her main locations - here she regularly organizes jams, workshops, battles and community evenings.
She is part of the collective "Hood of Sisters" which supports female empowerment in the scene and founder of the "Outbox Me - Fusion Dancebattle" in Berlin. Last year she worked on her first own pieces "Touched" and "Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot - Postmigrant Realities" and brought them to the stage.

See you on the dancefloor ❤️

Zuschauende können einfach vorbei kommen und es gibt eine Abendkasse von 8€. Unsere Türen öffnen von 15:30 Uhr bis circa 20:00 Uhr. Es kann natürlich passieren, dass der Saal zu voll ist - deshalb kommt am besten früh.

Zum Battle:
OUTBOX ME ist KEIN klassisches experimental Battle. Es ist ein Mix-Style Battle, bei dem JEDER Stil willkommen ist.
Das beschränkt sich nicht nur auf Urban Styles. Wir wollen raus aus dem Gewohnten, eintauchen in eine neue inspirierende Fusion aller Tanzarten.
Es geht nicht zwingend darum freaky oder provokant zu sein, sondern einfach seinen eigenen individuellen Stil zu präsentieren.
Jazz, Modern, Swing, Capoeira, HipHop, Krump, House, Breakdance .... und alles dazwischen- Wir feiern unsere Leidenschaft für Bewegung und Musik.
OBM ist einzigartig in seiner Form- Es kombiniert den urbanen Battlecharakter und die zeitgenössische Kontaktimprovisation und schafft somit eine sehr besondere Art der Herausforderung für Tänzer und einen Genuss für alle Zuschauer.