13. April 2023, 20:00 Uhr
Jazz in der Feuerwache - Konzert mit anschließender Jam-Session | Chick Corea Tribute-Konzert mit Davide Incorvaia, Daigo Nakai, Shinichi Nakajima
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An Evening with the Music of Chick Corea
This jazz concert series at Alte Feuerwache will present a tribute concert dedicated to Chick Corea featuring Davide Incorvaia (Piano), Daigo Nakai (Bass) Shinichi Nakajima (Drums).
The trio will perform his compositions with their own interpretation and arrangement. The event will be followed by the jam session.
Armando Anthony "Chick" Corea (June 12, 1941 – February 9, 2021) was an American jazz composer, pianist, keyboardist, bandleader, and occasional percussionist. His compositions "Spain", "500 Miles High", "La Fiesta", "Armando's Rhumba", and "Windows" are widely considered jazz standards. As a member of Miles Davis's band in the late 1960s, he participated in the birth of jazz fusion. In the 1970s he formed Return to Forever. Along with McCoy Tyner, Herbie Hancock, and Keith Jarrett, Corea is considered one of the foremost jazz pianists of the post-John Coltrane era. –Wikipedia-
Davide Incorvaia studierte zehn Jahre lang klassisches Klavier am Mailänder Konservatorium und fünf Jahre lang Jazzpiano bei dem weltberühmten italienischen Jazzpianisten Franco D'Andrea. Seit 2008 hat er verschiedene Konzerte mit internationalen Jazzmusikern wie George Gruntz, Franco Ambrosetti, Javier Girotto, Randy Brecker, Bob Mintzer und Dee Dee Bridgewater gespielt. Mit seinem Davide Incorvaia Trio trat er auf verschiedenen Jazzfestivals in Norditalien auf und im Sommer 2012 auf den beiden wichtigsten und bedeutendsten Jazzfestivals in Italien, Iseo Jazz und Umbria Jazz. Seit 2014 lebt er in Berlin und spielt regelmäßig mit verschiedenen Bands in den wichtigsten Jazzclubs Berlins und ist ein aktiver Teil der Berliner Jazzszene.
Since the end of 2014, Daigo Nakai, a double/electric bassist, has based his activity in Berlin and performing throughout in Europe.
The project Here Comes A Bear recorded the first album in 2019, that is soon to be released.
Since 2021, He has joined the band Mitsune, performing modern/traditional Japanese music mixed with jazz, rock and the other world folk music, and has played in festivals and music venues in Germany.
In 2022, Nakai co-released live recording album titled Licentia Poetica, which captured free improvisation in a festival, Gdańskie Noce Jazsowe in Poland alongside Elma Kais, Knox Chandler, Klaus Kugel.
He has been invited to perform in Festivals and concerts as well as independently curated events including The Bundestag, Les Rencontres Trans Musicales, MÓZG festival etc, performing Jazz, free improvisation, Electronic music, Rock, Folk and so on.
Shinichi Nakajima studierte Musik und Schlagzeug in Osaka und Tokio und spielte in Jazzclubs ,auf Musikfestivals in Tokio und anderen Städten in Japan. 2014 ist er nach Berlin umgezogen und setzt seine Musikkarriere hauptsächlich in den Bereichen Jazz, Funk und Latin Music fort. Er ist derzeit einer der heißbegehrten Latin Jazz Drummer in Berlin.